Thursday, October 23, 2008

My Comment on a friends blog

Today I was wandering around the Internet and ran into a blog posting from a friend of mine, Jay. He was angry with all the crap the politicians were saying to and about each other (and everything in general). Read his blog to get the background, here was my comment to him:

Hey Jay,Great post (and great comments). I know how you feel, the whole thing about continuing to say something, even though you know it isn't true, has been in the Republican playbook for years now. I found it funny that at one point John McCain was scolding Barack for saying something that was true over and over again...

The idea that Obama's tax plan is equivalent to Socialism is just another scare tactic. We (you, me, and everyone else who pays taxes) have just actually approved a Socialist takeover of the banking system. This actually is socialism; the goverment now owns an equity stake in several banks.

Of course, most people don't really understand Socialism as it exists today in Europe. There is still a free economy, but yes, there are higher taxes. Those higher taxes assure that every citizen is able to get healthcare, top-notch education, and infrastructure improvements.

Taxes are one of my biggest complaints about the Republicans. They call the Democrats "Tax and Spend", but the Republicans are "borrow and spend". Howdo they think the three wars (Iraq, Afghanistan, terrorism) we're carrying out will get paid for? When Sarah Palin said it wasn't patriotic to pay taxes, I was wondering how she expected her son's body armor to get paid for? I'll tell you how, we borrow money from the Chinese to pay for the tax cuts for the rich, that never seem to trickle down to you or me (at least I know not to me!)

Anyway, just wanted to let you know my feelings, I may post this comment on my blog. One of my favorite clips is from Jon Stewart and I have it on my blog, check it out:
It shows how Republicans (and yeah, I suppose Democrats too) will say completely
opposite things depending on the situation.

Talk to you later,

I know any of you who read this somewhat regularly won't be surprised with my comment, but I thought it was a good point that I wanted to share.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

The refreshiing part of living abroad - we don't get to see the campaign adds on TV or in papers. It has made this election season so much more bearable! While you still hear the lies and accusations during the debates and interviews, it is nice to not be continually bombarded by negative energy during the rest of the day! I've been much more positive during this election season, and although I'm still holding my breath for the results, the general consensus here (and on BBC/SKY/France24) is the right choice is Obama.

Another interesting tidbit - during the past month so many documentaries about the US, the campaign trail, how people are struggling or surviving the current economic crises, and the US' civil history have been on TV. Realizing that to provide this info in the states would go against the 'equal time' deal, I'm saddened that facts aren't easily accessible to citizens in the states (except those that research for themselves), yet kindergarten tactics and name-calling are. :(

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