Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Election Roundup!

Well, it's been a week and I've had a chance to ingest all the information from the election. It looks like a pretty good score to me... The Democrats picked up several seats (now up to at least 57) in the Senate and a bunch in the House. I'm very excited that Colorado went Blue. They got a new Democratic Senator and showed Colorado Springs who's boss.

In Washington, the Governor's race wasn't as close as it was last time, which is a good thing. Even though she seems to be somewhat ineffective, I'd prefer an ineffective Democrat over an ineffective Republican. Hopefully she realizes that a lot of people are really looking for her to do something.... We also approved a "Death with Dignity" initiative. I think this is a good thing. I think there are a lot of people against it who still don't really understand it. A lot of the Anti press seemed to make it sound like anyone could just go to a doctor and get some pills and kill themselves. The reality is that they would have to be terminally ill with less than 6 months to live and be approved by 2 physicians. It's not like doctors are in the business of offing people, but when there is no other choice, people should have the option of making that choice for themselves. I hate to bring up the little fact that people kill themselves every day without a doctors help, so it's not like we're providing the only way to kill themselves....

California did the unthinkable (at least to me) and took away people's rights with an election. Voting on Proposition 8 undid the law allowing gay marriage. This makes me sad. Why do people think they have to tell others what they can and can't do. My favorite argument against allowing gay marriage was because it redefines marriage, then one woman said : "What if I wanted to marry my dog because I love him? Should that be legal?" My god, you must be the dumbest person on earth. Other than the stupid statement comparing your dog to a sentient human, it just doesn't make any sense. Dogs cant sign contracts, can't give consent and their breath smells like balls. Hopefully something will be done to fix this, but I wouldn't count on it.

Here's a little bit of Keith to give some perspective:

Anyway, I think it's a great thing we all did and I think this will help get the US back on the right track. With Bush's approval ratings in the shitter and the opinion of the US as one of the "bad guys"

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